Saturday, October 15, 2011

Laysan Albatross, 12" x 8", Acrylic

Laysan Albatross painting given to Carl Safina, April 2011

with flash

Adenine (off-white)—A Laysan albatross has both dark and light plumage, so I chose an off-white to represent their rump, head and belly.
Cytosine (blue)—A Laysan albatross spends almost 70% of their time at sea, I chose blue to represent the ocean.
Guanine (green)—They do come to land to breed, so I chose green to represent the land.
Thymine (black)—They have dark plumage on their wings, but I chose black to represent the dark “smudge” around their eyes.

Atlantic Harbor Seal, 24" x 18", Acrylic

Commissioned for silent auction at 2010 IMATA conference (International Marine Animal Trainers Association)

Whale Shark, 4' x 4', Acrylic on reclaimed canvas

at least 14 hours of Radio Lab and This American Life to complete...May 2011

Manta Ray, 3' x 3', Acrylic on reclaimed canvas

Completed, July 2011
See the remnant strokes of the old painting?